Friday, January 8, 2010

Special -K

Special K cereals has a new ad campaign out. The ads feature "regular" looking woman doing everyday types of things. There is no mention of the cereal just a message about how you can "be more yourself" or something along those lines. in the past Special-K has used young emaciated women to sell their cereal. The women are so happy to be sliding into their super slim jeans and all as a result of eating Special K cereal for two meals a day. The ad, perhaps, has fallen flat so they are moving to this new strategy of using more rounded older women to sell their product. The move to get women to eat more cereal (two times a day instead of just one!) was rather brilliant. The market for cereal is pretty saturated - close to 100% of us already eat the stuff. How to get us to eat more? Tie it to weight loss, beauty, hopes for incredible sex!

I'm so tired of being manipulated, shamed, embarrassed, harassed by corporate America/Madison Avenue, made to feel inadequate, dried-up, witchy/bitchy, used up but fixable by a cream, lotion, potion, hair spray, tonic, food processor, or breakfast cereal. Isn't there a better us of our collective creative power. Instead of spreading fear and self-loathing, why not harness our creative energies for better nutrition, well-being, spiritual connection for us all, old and young alike? Just for today, by pass the "beauty" aisles; try seeing the elegance in the wrinkled, bulging, broken, and bent parts of our bodies and lives.

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