Sunday, October 12, 2014

What it means to be a certified Iyegnar Yoga Teacher

I just got the Iyengar Certification Manual in the mail. "The first step to deciding whether or not to go up for assessment," my teacher told us, "is to read the manual." This is what I learned... To become a certified Iyengar yoga teacher you have to pass your Introductory I and II assessments. Only then can you call your self an Iyengar teacher. The process takes about two years of preparation (or more) after you have already graduated from a certified two year teacher training program and requires a commitment that is not unlike one you might make to complete a Master's degree. Until I become certified, I consider myself an "apprentice" teacher in the Iyengar system although this is my made up term and not something you will find in the manual! During the two years preparing for assessment, I will study weekly with my mentoring teacher, Peentz Dubble, and also assist in her level I classes. I will also attend a monthly workshop, led by Peentz, on "Assisting and Adjusting in the Iyengar Method." I will be part of a study group with other "apprentice" teachers getting together monthly to discuss yoga philosophy and primary actions for the over seventy asanas (poses) we will be responsible for knowing. (70!!) In addition to these asanas, which we must be able to teach and perform correctly and systematically, we are asked to know their Sanskrit and English names, be grounded in yoga philosophy and have a basic understanding of the major muscles, systems, and bones of the body. (There are about eleven books on the syllabus which we are responsible for reading in part or on the whole.) After going through teacher training, it became clear to me that 1. I wanted to teach yoga and 2. that I wanted to prepare myself for Iyengar certification two things I wasn't sure of until near the mid-point of the training. The reason I want to prepare for assessment is because I want to be the best teacher I can for my students and I cannot keep learning what is a massive and profound subject without the mentoring of a senior teacher a community of practitioners. Why I want to prepare for assessment then is to deepen my own understanding and devotion to yoga for myself and those I teach. My own practice would not be as strong without the commitments to practice I need to make for my students and in obligation to my teacher. These commitments come from a deep devotion I have for yoga in its entirety.

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