Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I am thinking about what I love about some writing. It seems to come down to writing with a unique and clear "voice". One that rings out in the cold crisp air with clarity and accuracy. Its not lazy but words, sentences, paragraphs, metaphors are chosen deliberately to evoke the truth of the character, the setting, the story. I get lazy with writing. Oh, this is close enough to what I am trying to say. I need to step back and let the story sit on the shelf while I compost, marinate, figure out on a deeper level what it is exactly I am trying to say. Peeling the onion with revision after revision. Honing my skills with language and craft to actually move the story in the direction I want it to go in. Or maybe its more like letting the seed of the story, some hope, dream, feeling I want to portrait, blossom through careful attention to the seed (watering, fertilizing, sun, shade). There will be time for growth, some decay, letting go of what is holding the blossom back, fruit, harvest, composting.

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